Have you made new resolutions too? How many of us will keep them, that's the real question!
You too have put out your best Christmas sweater for December 31st?
You too have said: it's okay, I won't eat anything for a week!
You too had stars in your eyes when you saw your children opening the presents at the foot of the tree?
Whether you celebrated Christmas as a couple or as a large group, with your children or from a distance, whether you were spoiled a little, a lot, passionately... We sincerely hope that these celebrations have warmed your heart, that you have felt loved and surrounded, and that 2022 will be a sweet year.
Here, December was a sporty month as you can imagine but the few days of rest filled us with happiness (and a few pounds!). And because there is always good mood and sunshine at home, we make you a small musical wink so that it arrives to you and that it lasts all year long. And we take the opportunity once again to thank you for your loyalty!